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Tally visiting

Tally visiting

Tally Ronald McDonald House

Tally Ronald McDonald House

Tally Side Gait

Tally Side Gait

Tally with kiddos!

Tally with kiddos!

Tally AKC Certificate

Tally AKC Certificate

UCH Claircrest Fairy Tales Do Come True THD "Tally"

Tally is the dam of several offspring in training for pet therapy including Claircrest Won To Remember "Remie " (major pointed) and CH Claircrest Won To Watch "Ella"!


Coowned with Kathy Burgess

Marilyn Head Turned
Marlyn loves the kids!
Marilyn so happy!
Marilyn loving her visits!
Marilyn AKC Certificate

Claircrest Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 2020 THD "Marilyn"


Marilyn is the dam of Claircrest Hindsight is 2020 "Barbie" and Claircrest  Three's A Charm "Charms" both who are in therapy dog training!


Ken Visiting
Ken Visit
Ken Visits

Claircrest Modern Man 2020 "Ken"


Marilyn is the dam of  "Ken" and brother of "Barbie".  Ken is close to his THD title!


Janie Sitting_edited
Janie Gaiting

Claircrest Janie's Got A Gun "Janie"


Janie is a retired show dog after having a litter.   Janie's sire is a litterbrother to Tally and Marilyn's dam.  Janie will soon have her THN title!


Claircrest works in conjunction with 4 Paws 4 Love's
program for training and facility visits regarding pet therapy!

We have decades of therapy dog history and believe that retired show dogs are some of the BEST pet therapy dogs as the have been raised with many of the elements important to pet therapy.

FMI information about the
AKC Pet Therapy titles:

If you are interested in applying for a pet therapy dog to raise and/or adopt:

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