CH Claircrest Against The Wind
CH Claircrest Against The Wind
CH Claircrest Pot Of Gold
CH Claircrest Against The Wind
​Claircrest Golden Retrievers
Penn Hip Evaluations and The Value Of
In the 1990’s, the onset of the Penn Hip evaluation method made a significant impression during a GRCA National meeting and subsequently Claircrest’s breeding program. We believe it is a SUPERIOR evaluation of the hips, can be evaluated early in a puppy’s life and has a proven track record of improving hip quality.
One of the first dog’s we tried Penn Hip with was CH Claircrest Nobody’s Business “Boss”. Boss was in the top percentile of hip quality for Golden Retrievers. Subsequently, many of Claircrest dogs have been in the .30 range, which is significantly above the average for Golden Retrievers. In Penn Hip evaluations the lower the score the less potential for hip dysplasia. The average Penn Hip score for Golden Retrievers is in the .50 range.
With over six (6) generations of high value Penn Hip evaluations in our pedigrees, we are contemplating phasing out the inferior OFA hip evaluations. They provide NO VALUE at this point.
The challenge with Penn Hip is not many breeders utilize the Penn Hip evaluations and we are unaware of any breeding program that has generations and generations of really good Penn Hip scores!
Attention breeders: PLEASE consider using PENN HIP!
Attached are some copies of the Penn Hip evaluations in our pedigrees!